Ural Steel is the optimal combination of rich experience, new technologies, team of professionals and aspiration for leadership.

Ural Steel History
Ural Steel history is original and unique. Nature itself laid down everything required for a giant of domestic industry to be built here at the foot of the Ural Mountains. Many generations of metallurgists forged its victories and achievements despite all the difficulties.
- 1929Iosif Leontyevich Rudnitsky discovered a unique ore deposit
- 27 августа 1940Resolution on the construction of OKhMK (Orsk-Khalilovsk Iron & Steel Plant) was signed
- 1941The first refractory brick was produced in the Firebrick Department
- 1950Startup of the Combined Heat and Power Plant, startup of the first Coke Oven Battery
- 05 марта 1955First hot metal was tapped from Blast furnace No. 1
- 1958First steel was melted in Open-Hearth Furnace No. 1
- 1959Startup of the Air Separation Plant units
- 19602800 Rolling Mill was started and the first plate was produced
- 19621120 Blooming Mill commissioned
- 1963Sinter Plant was commissioned and the first sinter was produced
- 1969950/800 Long Product Rolling Mill was commissioned
- 1978First rolled product was produced at 800 Universal Mill
- 1981First electric-arc-furnace steel was produced in the Steelmaking Plant
- 1983Continuous Casting Machine No.1 was started in the Steelmaking Plant
- 27 ноября 1992OJSC NOSTA was created on the basis of OKhMK
- 01 декабря 2003NOSTA was transformed
into Ural Steel - 2005The Plant became part of the Metalloinvest company
- 2007Start of major revamping of the Steelmaking Plant and Plate Rolling Mill No.1
- 2012Startup of the Air Separation Unit No.5 in the Air Separation Plant and VD in the Steelmaking Plant
- 2013Decommissioning of Open-Hearth Furnace Plant and startup of Coke Oven
Battery No.6 - 2015Startup of Casting Machine No. 5
in the Blast Furnace Plant - 2017Industrial waste landfill was opened, Continuous Casting Machine No.1 was modernized
- 2018Startup of Heat Treatment and Quenching Complex in Plate Rolling Mill No.1
- 2019Conversion of Electric Arc Furnaces
in the Steelmaking Plant to FMF technology - 2020Startup of new Medium-Pressure
Boilers in the Combined Heat and Power Plant - 2021Commissioning of Blast Furnaces No. 2 and 3 after modernization
- 01 марта 2022Merger with Zagorsk Pipe Plant
into Ural Steel Group of Companies - 2023Modernization of pelletizing drums in the Sinter Plant
- 2024Startup of “Hot Metal supermarket” (Mixer Department) in the Steelmaking Plant
Iosif Leontyevich Rudnitsky discovered a unique ore deposit
- 1929
- 1940
- 1941
- 1950
- 1955
- 1958
- 1959
- 1960
- 1962
- 1963
- 1969
- 1978
- 1981
- 1983
- 1992
- 2003
- 2005
- 2007
- 2012
- 2013
- 2015
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024
Key events marked with a star symbol (★)