Ural Steel is the optimal combination of rich experience, new technologies, team of professionals and aspiration for leadership.
The customer-oriented approach and the aiming to maintain leadership positions provides for the development of new technological solutions to create reliable construction, transport and oil and gas infrastructure.
- Mastering the production of rolled plates from the new high strength weldable steel WeldUS 690, as well as even more high strength wear resistant steel HardUS, with the market launch of a new branded line focused on the needs of machine builders in high strength rolled products;
- Mastering the production of bimetallic rolled products X 60 (X 65)+316L(317L) with the dimension of 26 x 2170 x 12000mm for the Zagorsk Pipe Plant, where electric welded clad pipes with diameters of 711 and 720 mm will be made from them;
- Mastering the production of bimetallic rolled products 12XM+08X13 with the thickness of 50 mm (46+4 mm) for the Volgograd customer;
- Mastering the production of steel of K52-K56 strength classes, with increased resistance to general corrosion in a CO2-containing medium in combination with ensuring all other corrosive characteristics (hydrogen cracking, Sulfide Stress Cracking, general corrosion in an H2S environment) for the production of electric welded pipes at the Zagorsk Pipe Plant;
- Mastering the production of steel grades K70 and K80 for supplies to the Zagorsk Pipe Plant;
- Mastering the production of new high strength steel for bridge construction of C440/460 strength class;
- Mastering the production of our own seamless hot-rolled pipes with the startup of a new pipe rolling complex with a capacity of up to 250 thousand tons per year.