Ural Steel is the optimal combination of rich experience, new technologies, team of professionals and aspiration for leadership.

Industrial tourism
Consistently working to improve economic growth, we strive to contribute to the health and well-being of our employees, the social and economic development of the region of our presence and ensure the environmental safety of production.
In 2021, the Plant began to rapidly develop the industrial tourism, and create routes at the enterprise that would allow the widest range of visitors to get acquainted with the work of Ural Steel.
In 2022, the plant presented the region at a meeting of participants of the II All-Russian Accelerator for Industrial Tourism, and the tour "Steel Frontiers" was highly appreciated by experts.
Ural Steel became the first company to launch the program in the Orenburg region, and, according to the Head of the Regional Ministry of Industry Alexey Sharygin, has become a regional flagship in this direction.
Running the tour on an ongoing basis from the beginning of 2023 made it possible to demonstrate the large scale of production and technological features of the plant's activities to the widest audience. Being an effective tool for supporting the company's image, brand communications, creating an effective career guidance system for schoolchildren and students and improving corporate culture, industrial tourism also allows solving commercial and production tasks, providing opportunities to promote the plant products and exchange experience with other metallurgists.
In the final of the federal accelerator "Open Industry", the industrial tourism project "Steel Frontiers" of Ural Steel won in the nomination "Professional Excellence".
In 2023, the number of participants of Ural Steel industrial tour is 2 000 people.
More details about the “Steel Frontiers” tour can be found on the regional website travel.orb.ru
To sign up for a tour to JSC Ural Steel:
tel.: +7 (3537) 66-61-16, +7 922 801-94-64
e-mail: us-tour@uralsteel.com
Submit a request